
Are you seeking a natural and long-lasting solution to combat the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss? Look no further than Biostimulator injections, specifically Sculptra, offered at Bespoke Injectables Clinic. Discover the transformative power of collagen biostimulator injections and the benefits they bring to rejuvenate your skin. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into biostimulator injections, covering everything from what they are to how they work, pricing, and essential pre and post-care treatment.

Boost your collagen production for a youthful glow

Sculptra, or poly-L-lactic acid, is an advanced biostimulator used in aesthetics. Unlike traditional fillers, it gradually enhances collagen production, yielding natural and durable results.

How Sculptra Works

This bioactive agent stimulates your skin's collagen production, combating wrinkles and volume loss caused by aging. It restores skin texture over time.


Natural Results: Sculptra provides subtle, natural-looking results, avoiding overfilled appearances.

Longevity: Its effects can last up to two years, surpassing traditional fillers.

Versatility: It treats wrinkles, volume loss, and more, even non-surgical butt lifts.

Minimally Invasive: Administered via injections, Sculptra requires minimal downtime.

Collagen Boost: Beyond initial results, Sculptra continues to stimulate collagen production.

Is Sculptra Right for You?

Ideal for those seeking gradual, natural rejuvenation without abrupt changes. Consult our experts at Bespoke Injectables Clinic to assess your specific needs and create a tailored treatment plan. Schedule a consultation to explore possibilities and achieve personalized results.

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Benefits of Biostimulator (Sculptra)

Soften fine lines & wrinkles photo
Collagen Stimulation
Revitalise your appearance photo
Natural-Looking Results
reduce sweat photo
Long-Lasting Effects
non-surgical photo
correct facial asymmetry photo
Versatile Application
prevent future deep line formation photo
Continued Collagen Growth
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How it works

Sculptra, a remarkable biostimulator, works by leveraging the power of poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic substance with a long history of safe use in medicine. Unlike traditional dermal fillers that deliver immediate volume, Sculptra takes a gradual and transformative approach. When injected into targeted areas of the face, Sculptra acts as a bioactive agent, kickstarting a process known as neocollagenesis.

Neocollagenesis is the body's natural response to injury, and Sculptra harnesses this phenomenon to its advantage. It stimulates the skin's fibroblasts, encouraging them to produce fresh collagen. Collagen is the essential protein responsible for the skin's structure, elasticity, and firmness. As we age, collagen production diminishes, leading to wrinkles, sagging, and loss of volume. Sculptra's unique mechanism triggers the gradual rebuilding of collagen over time, resulting in a rejuvenated and natural appearance. This gradual transformation not only provides long-lasting results but also avoids the artificial "overfilled" look sometimes associated with traditional fillers, making Sculptra an excellent choice for those seeking subtle yet significant improvements in their skin's texture and youthfulness.

By promoting collagen production, Sculptra effectively combats the visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss, and improves skin texture. Its transformative approach ensures that the results emerge gradually, creating a refreshed and natural appearance that aligns with your individual beauty.

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What are Biostimulator Injections?

Biostimulator injections, like Sculptra, represent a cutting-edge approach to aesthetics. Unlike traditional dermal fillers that offer immediate results, Sculptra takes a gradual and natural route to enhance your appearance. At the heart of Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid, a bioactive agent with a proven track record of safety in medicine.

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How Sculptra Works

Sculptra works by stimulating the body's natural response to injury, a process known as neocollagenesis. When injected into targeted areas of the face, Sculptra kickstarts the skin's fibroblasts, encouraging them to produce fresh collagen. Collagen, the vital protein responsible for the skin's structure, elasticity, and firmness, tends to decrease as we age, leading to visible signs of aging.

Sculptra's unique mechanism triggers the gradual rebuilding of collagen over time, resulting in a rejuvenated and natural appearance. This gradual transformation ensures that the results emerge slowly, creating a refreshed and subtle look that avoids the artificial "overfilled" appearance often associated with traditional fillers.

Is Sculptra Right for You?

Sculptra is an ideal choice for those who seek natural rejuvenation without abrupt changes. Consult our experts at Bespoke Injectables Clinic to assess your needs and create a personalised treatment plan. Schedule a consultation to explore the possibilities and achieve tailored results.

What are the Different Types of Biostimulator Injections?

Biostimulator injections come in various forms to address different concerns. Sculptra, in particular, offers versatility and can be used in multiple areas of the body. Here are the different types of Sculptra treatments available:
Premium Dermal Fillers Photo

Biostimulator (Sculptra)

Biostimulator (Sculptra) Face
$700 per vial
Biostimulator (Sculptra) Body
$600 per vial
Non-surgical Buttocks Augmentation (Sculptra)
$600 per vial
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Each type of Sculptra treatment is designed to target specific areas and deliver natural-looking results that can last up to two years.

What is the difference between biostimulators and non-surgical buttocks augmentation?

Biostimulator and non-surgical buttocks augmentation are two distinct cosmetic procedures that serve different purposes and target other body areas.
Here's a breakdown of the key differences between the two:


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Injection Sites
Mechanism of Action

Non-Surgical Buttocks Augmentation:

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Injection Sites
Mechanism of Action

Benefits of Biostimulator Injections

Discover the myriad benefits of Biostimulator injections, particularly Sculptra, and why they are gaining popularity among those seeking aesthetic enhancements.
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Natural Results
Minimally Invasive
Collagen Boost

How Biostimulator Injections Work

As discussed earlier, Sculptra works by harnessing the power of poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate neocollagenesis. This natural process encourages the production of fresh collagen, which is essential for skin structure and elasticity. By gradually rebuilding collagen, Sculptra combats wrinkles, fine lines, and volume loss, improving skin texture and a more youthful appearance.


At Bespoke Injectables Clinic, we offer competitive pricing for Sculptra treatments to make them accessible to our clients.
Here's a breakdown of our pricing for Biostimulator (Sculptra):
Premium Dermal Fillers Photo

Biostimulator (Sculptra)

Biostimulator (Sculptra) Face
$700 per vial
Biostimulator (Sculptra) Body
$600 per vial
Non-surgical Buttocks Augmentation (Sculptra)
$600 per vial
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Please note that the number of vials required may vary depending on your individual needs and treatment areas. During your consultation, our experts will provide a personalised assessment and pricing plan tailored to your specific goals.

Pre + Post Treatment Care

Preparing for your Sculptra treatment and ensuring proper aftercare are crucial steps in maximising the procedure's effectiveness and minimising potential side effects.

Before your Sculptra treatment at Bespoke Injectables Clinic, follow these essential steps:

  • Consultation: Start with a consultation to discuss your goals and medical history. This will help our experts create a personalised treatment plan.
  • Medications and Supplements: Inform us about any medications or supplements you take, as they may impact the treatment.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Refrain from consuming alcohol 24 hours before your appointment to reduce the risk of bruising.
  • Clean, Makeup-Free Skin: Arrive with clean, makeup-free skin in comfortable clothing.
  • Post-Treatment Downtime: Plan for post-treatment downtime, as your skin may require a brief recovery period.

These guidelines will ensure a smooth Sculptra treatment experience and enhance results.

  • After your Sculptra treatment, proper aftercare is essential for a comfortable recovery and optimal results. Here's what you can expect and how to care for your skin:

    Temporary Side Effects: Expect some temporary swelling, redness, or tenderness, which can be alleviated with cold compresses if needed.
    Massage: Gently massage the treated areas as directed by our professionals to ensure even product distribution.
    un Exposure
    : Avoid sun exposure and extreme heat for a few days post-treatment to protect your skin.
    Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns during your aftercare, don't hesitate to contact our expert team for guidance and support.

    At Bespoke Injectables Clinic, we prioritise your safety and satisfaction, and our comprehensive pre and post-care instructions are designed to help you achieve the best possible results.

How many sessions should I plan for?

Collagen biostimulators are typically administered in treatments spaced six to eight weeks apart. Typically, your initial session will involve using two solution vials, primarily composed of Poly-L Lactic Acid. While the recommended number of vials generally aligns with one vial for each decade of life (e.g., for someone who is fifty years old, a total of five vials is typically recommended as a best practice), many clients choose to start with just one or two treatments initially, as a gradual introduction to the procedure.

How long will collagen biostimulators last?

The longevity of collagen biostimulators, such as Sculptra, can vary from person to person and depends on several factors. Generally, the results of collagen biostimulators can last anywhere from 12 to 24 months or even longer in some cases.

Here are some key factors that can influence how long the effects of collagen biostimulators last:


Individual metabolic rates can affect how quickly the body breaks down and absorbs the biostimulator. People with faster metabolisms may see results diminish sooner than those with slower metabolisms.


Younger individuals tend to have more robust collagen production, which can contribute to longer-lasting results. Older individuals may experience results that last slightly less.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices can impact the duration of results. Factors such as smoking, excessive sun exposure, and poor skincare practices can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and shorten the longevity of biostimulator effects.

Injection Technique

The skill and precision of the healthcare provider administering the injections can influence how evenly the product is distributed and how effectively it stimulates collagen production.

Product Choice

Different collagen biostimulators may have varying durations of effectiveness. Sculptra, for example, is known for its long-lasting effects compared to other dermal fillers and biostimulators.

Maintenance and
Touch-Up Treatments:

To extend the results, patients often require maintenance and touch-up treatments. Following a recommended treatment plan and scheduling these sessions can help maintain the effects over time.

Individual Response

Each person's body responds uniquely to biostimulators. Some individuals may experience longer-lasting results than others due to their body's natural response to the treatment.

Unlock Your Natural Beauty with
Biostimulator Injections

Book a free skin consultation – It’s time to put your skin first.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this treatment right for me?
What results can I expect?
Are there any side effects?
What is the difference between Biostimulator and Non-surgical buttocks augmentation?