Fat Dissolving Injections

Bye Bye Stubborn Fat: Sculpt Your Ideal Body with Fat Dissolving Injections!
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Fat Dissolving Injection

Are you tired of battling stubborn pockets of fat that just won't budge, no matter how much you diet or exercise? Bespoke Injectables Clinic introduces you to the revolutionary world of fat-dissolving injections.

Rediscover Your Confidence with Our Advanced Fat Dissolving Treatments

At Bespoke Injectables Clinic, we offer cutting-edge fat dissolving treatments to help you achieve your desired body contour. Our highly trained and experienced medical professionals use advanced injectable techniques to target stubborn pockets of fat, helping you achieve a slimmer and more sculpted appearance without surgery. Our fat dissolving treatments are safe, minimally invasive, and produce natural-looking results. Whether you're looking to address double chin, love handles, or other areas with excess fat, our personalized approach ensures that your treatment is tailored to your unique needs. Say goodbye to unwanted fat and hello to a more confident you at Bespoke Injectables Clinic.

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Benefits of Fat Dissolving Injections

Soften fine lines & wrinkles photo
Multiple Treatment Areas
Revitalise your appearance photo
Safe and Effective
reduce sweat photo
Permanent Results
non-surgical photo
correct facial asymmetry photo
Improved Body Contour
prevent future deep line formation photo
Enhanced Confidence

What are Fat Dissolving Injections?

Fat-dissolving injections, also known as lipolytic injections, have emerged as a game-changing solution in non-surgical cosmetic treatments. These injections offer a safe and effective way to reshape and sculpt your body, addressing those persistent fat deposits that can be incredibly frustrating. It's important to note that fat-dissolving injections are not a weight loss strategy; instead, they focus on enhancing your body's natural contours.

The Science Behind It

The magic of fat-dissolving injections lies in the prescription medicine used during the treatment. This medicine is expertly injected into specific areas of concern, where it goes to work, gradually dissolving and emulsifying fat cells. The result? A more sculpted and refined appearance. This process is carried out by our experienced medical professionals, who will tailor the treatment plan to your unique needs and goals.

Who Can Benefit?

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How it works

This procedure addresses one of the top face and body concerns for both men and women – deposits of unwanted fat. This treatment is an effective, long-lasting and gradual, non-surgical, cosmetic injectable treatment used to reshape and sculpt the body and under the chin in adults.

The treatment uses a prescription medicine to dissolve and emulsify fat cells. Once injected, it destroys fat cells and reduces their number. It is not a weight loss strategy.

Your consulting medical professional will determine how many treatments you need based on the amount of excess fat and your personal treatment goal. The treatment takes as little as 30 minutes, and you should be able to return your usual activities immediately. Some areas require compression garments to be worn afterward.

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Benefits of Fat Dissolving Injections

Transformation Awaits

The benefits of fat-dissolving injections are numerous, making them an increasingly popular choice for individuals looking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence.

Effective and Long-Lasting
Quick and Convenient
Enhanced Confidence
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Transforming More Than Just
Your Appearance

The benefits of fat-dissolving injections go beyond aesthetics. When you feel better about your appearance, it can positively impact your mental and emotional well-being. You'll find yourself more self-assured and ready to take on new challenges.

How Fat Dissolving Injections Work

The secret behind this innovative treatment lies in the prescription medicine used during the procedure.

When the medicine is injected into specific areas of concern, it targets and breaks down fat cells. These fat cells are then gradually eliminated by your body's natural processes, reducing their presence in the treated areas.

The treatment is highly precise and safe, and it typically involves minimal discomfort. Your customised treatment plan will be determined by our skilled medical professionals based on the amount of excess fat and your desired outcome. After a brief consultation, during which you can discuss your goals and concerns, the treatment can begin.


Preparing for Your Transformation

Preparation is Key

Before your appointment for fat-dissolving injections, prepare yourself for the best possible results. Proper preparation can ensure a smooth and successful treatment experience.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:

Avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements in the days leading up to your appointment.

Inform our medical team about your complete medical history, including any allergies or previous cosmetic procedures.

Arrive at your appointment with clean, makeup-free skin to ensure the most hygienic and effective treatment.

A Personalised Approach

The Journey Towards Your Transformation

During Treatment:

Fat-dissolving injections are renowned for their efficiency and convenience. During the treatment process, you can expect the following:

Treatments can be as quick as 15-30 minutes, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine.

The procedure typically involves minimal discomfort, and our skilled medical professionals will ensure your comfort throughout.

After Treatment

After your fat-dissolving injections, your body will gradually begin to transform. Here's what to expect:

You may experience temporary swelling, redness, and tenderness at the injection sites, which are common side effects and typically subside within a few days.

Results develop gradually as your body naturally eliminates treated fat cells.

You can resume your daily activities right away, with minimal downtime.

Our team will schedule follow-up appointments to ensure you're satisfied with your transformed body contour and to monitor your progress.

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Post-Treatment Care

Supporting Your Recovery

The journey doesn't end when your fat-dissolving injections are complete. To support your recovery and maximise your results, follow post-treatment care guidelines:

Mild Swelling and Redness
Activity and Sun Exposure
Healthy Lifestyle
Results Gradually Unveiled
Follow-Up Appointments
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What Can Be Enhanced with Fat Dissolving Injections?

While fat-dissolving injections are often associated with double chin removal, their versatility extends to treating various body areas. In addition to addressing excess fat under the chin and in the cheeks, fat-dissolving injections can effectively target and enhance:

Upper and Lower Back
Inner and Outer Thighs
Upper Arms

Additionally, fat-dissolving injections can contribute to reducing the visible signs of cellulite and improving skin elasticity. These injections offer a versatile solution for targeted fat reduction and body contouring.

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Ideal Candidates

It's important to note that fat-dissolving injections are not a weight-loss solution, and they are not suitable for everyone. The ideal candidate typically meets the following criteria:

Close to Ideal Weight
Not Pregnant
Age Requirement
Good Skin Elasticity
No Allergies or Medical Conditions
Realistic Expectations

Book Your Consultation Today

Are you ready to embark on your journey towards a more sculpted, confident you? Contact Bespoke Injectables Clinic today to schedule your fat-dissolving injections and discover the transformative power of this innovative treatment. Say goodbye to unwanted fat and hello to a more confident you!

At Bespoke Injectables Clinic, we believe in the power of transformation. We understand that looking and feeling your best can have a profound impact on your life, and we're here to support you every step of the way. With fat-dissolving injections, you can unlock the potential to sculpt your body, boost your confidence, and embrace a new you.

Don't let stubborn fat hold you back any longer. Take the first step toward your transformation today by booking a consultation with our experienced team. Together, we'll customise a treatment plan that aligns with your goals and helps you achieve the body you've always wanted.

*Note prices and results may vary. Please contact your local clinic for pricing based on your individual needs and requirements.
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Fat Dissolving Injections

Fat dissolving  injections
from $350 to $ 450 per vial
Double chin fat reduction
$389 per vial
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Due to government regulations, Bespoke Injectables Clinic cannot be pre-purchased. We ensure every client is suitable for their desired treatment during a consultation and treatment is prescribed by a medical professional. Book your consult today! *Note prices and results may vary. Please contact your local clinic for pricing based on your individual needs and requirements.

Pre + Post Treatment Care

  • During Treatment
    Treatments can be as quick as 15-30 minutes with minimal discomfort.
  • After Treatment
    After your fat dissolving injections you may experience temporary swelling, redness, and tenderness at the injection sites, which typically subside within a few days. Results develop gradually as your body naturally eliminates treated fat cells. You can resume your daily activities right away, and we'll schedule follow-up appointments to ensure you're satisfied with your transformed body contour.
  • Prior to your appointment, please avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements, and inform our team about your medical history and any allergies. Come to your appointment with clean, makeup-free skin, and be prepared for a brief consultation to discuss your treatment goals and concerns. Our experienced practitioners will ensure you're well-informed and comfortable before the procedure begins.
  • After your fat dissolving injections you should expect mild swelling, redness, and possible tenderness at the injection sites, which typically subside within a few days. To support your recovery, avoid strenuous exercise and excessive sun exposure immediately after the treatment. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with balanced nutrition and hydration. Results will gradually become evident as your body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells. Our team will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure you achieve the desired outcome.

Book a free skin consultation – It’s time to put your skin first.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Double Chin Treatment?
How is it given?
Is it long lasting?
When to expect results?
Who can have the treatments?
How many treatments are required?
How does it work?
What are the side effects?